The Jenner Project 2022 | 23
The Jenner Project 2022 | 23 is an initiative of Berkeley Community Trust which is a charity set up to enable local people to undertake a variety of activities that need the umbrella of charity status. You can learn more about it by clicking here. The Jenner Project is managed by a group of nine Berkeley Vale residents who work as a team and operate through a main committee and sub committees. You can contact them through [email protected]
In 2023 we will mark the bicentenary of the death of Dr. Edward Jenner, the acknowledged 'father of vaccination'. The Jenner Project aims to celebrate his incredible achievements and contribution to humanity through the realisation of several public community musical performances along with a local Edward Jenner Heritage Trail. It is envisaged that indoor and outdoor performances will be captured both orally and visually, and made available online as a lasting tribute from the community of Berkeley to one of their most famous sons.
Income comes through grants, events, donations and a friends and patrons scheme. We have already received support from Berkeley Town Council and Gloucestershire County Council for the Edward Jenner Heritage Trail and the Balloon Event which constituted Part 1 of the Project and took place in 2022. We are awaiting the outcome of bids to Arts Council England and the Performing Rights Society amongst others and the level of success we achieve will affect the scale of Part 2 which includes our planned Musical Celebrations in 2023/24. To date our planned events are as follows.
June 17th (Evening)
Outdoor Musical Celebration in the garden of Dr Jenner's House, Museum and Garden in Berkeley, Gloucestershire
This will be an unticketed event (available on the gate on the evening) and will feature the world premier of a new Musical Celebration by Dr. Liz Lane with Lyrics by Andy Rashleigh. It will be co-created by the community of Berkeley Vale and include professional singers and musicians alongside local performers. The first half of the programme will involve performances by local groups.
Children's Performances at Hamfields Leisure (to be confirmed and subject to grant funding approval)
Ticketed events, these will be a version of the June Musical Celebration that is presented in the garden of Dr Jenner's House, Museum and Garden but will be adapted for performances by children. The aim is that the final score can be used in the future, within schools.
November (to be confirmed and subject to grant funding approval)
Indoor Chamber Performance in St Mary's Church, Berkeley
To close the year of celebrations we plan a smaller scale indoor performance of the Musical Celebration featuring professional chamber performers and soloists. The score of this production can be used in the future at professional performances .
For further information on the Musical Celebration and the Jenner Heritage Trail projects visit the links below.